This guy looks like such a nice dog. His owner told me, "You know, he gets irritable sometimes. Maybe you should use a muzzle." I posted previously on why I am a little reluctant to put the muzzle on. For some reason, I continue to labor under the delusion that my reflexes are faster than a dog’s. I won’t say that they never are, but I would have to say that often they are not.
This is a couple of days later. The bleeding has stopped now, as has the throbbing. The good thing about having a hole punched through your thumb-nail is that you won’t have to drill a hole to relieve the pressure. I’d really like to blame this one on someone else, but of course I cannot. The nice lady told me I should use a muzzle. She’s a nice lady and I think she’s honest, as well.
The other good thing about the hole in my thumb-nail is that it reminds me to pay attention to the pet’s owner. It is not unlikely that they know more about their pet’s personality than I do.
So, until that hole grows out, I’ll probably remember to put a muzzle on the dogs that need it.