Everybody likes to save money. I know I do. On the other hand, "you get what you pay for" is one of those phrases that really hits home sometimes. If I didn’t know any better, I guess I might think that treating a dog for worms ought to be pretty simple. I might also think […]
Author Archives: Doc
Hey, I know I said I’d be back Sunday, but things happen. I had a choice of staying one more day to finish what I started, or having to make another trip. I chose to stay. It was a spiritual retreat and well worth the inconvenience of the extra day’s stay. Imagine falling in love […]
I’m going on a weekend retreat away from the hustle and bustle. My usual "weekend off" involves Scout leader training and sleeping on the ground (for about six hours a night). It’s been about two years since I took a few days to just get outside the practice and relax and evaluate things from an […]
I wonder about Lassie, myself. Aside from the question of whether Lassie being a boy (because male Collies don’t shed their neck ruff periodically like the females) has contributed to the gender confusion of the last decades, was Lassie really so smart? The character of Lassie, I mean, not the amazing, Weatherwax-trained collies. Sunday evening, […]
I don’t think it would improve the situation much. People frequently ask me that and my reply is that "I wish they could roll up their sleeves." [Drawing blood from a vein hidden under an inch of hair is quite a trick.] I can make friends with animals. The problem is that I then immediately […]
I hadn’t been on my bike in about three weeks, what with inclement weather and weekend commitments. The weather this weekend was absolutely ideal: cool and dry, but neither cold nor windy. The sky was clear and blue, but the air quality was certainly variable. On Saturday, there were areas where the defoliant was so […]
Actually, I never tell people that their dog looks weird. I also don’t tell them that their dog looks grotesque, strange or deformed, even when that’s what they are. The word I use is extreme, as in extreme conformation. Extreme is a very fashionable word these days. We are quite accustomed to seeing an incredible […]
are mostly mistaken. Many times I have had a client tell me that they "should have been a vet, ’cause I like animals and I don’t like people." Get a grip, kid. This is not a job for someone who can’t get along with people. If you’re a real animal lover who just can’t stand […]
the most surprising thing is that they ever live through it. HBC is a frequent abbreviation in our medical records. Think of two football players in full pads, weighing about 300 pounds each, ramming into one another. They occasionally have injuries. Now imagine that you have substituted a little dog for one of them, and […]
Every profession has its own technical jargon. This is necessary in some cases because you deal with concepts that don’t come up in every-day conversation. Sometimes it’s necessary in order to be precise, especially in communicating with another professional. It’s a lot easier to just say "intussussception" than "you know, that thingy where the bowel […]