Author Archives: Doc

Hill’s Science Diet – great nutrition, lousy merchandising

A couple of years ago, I wrote a post on why I carry the Hill's Science Diets and prescription diets.  I still have confidence in the nutrition.  On the other hand, I am losing patience with their merchandising practices. They used to be pretty plain vanilla.  If you were feeding a growing puppy, you bought […]


I've got a few topics in the hopper, but there just hasn't been a lot of time for this blog.  My daughter had been in Zambia for only about two weeks when she developed appendicitis.  They flew her to South Africa, and she had surgery in Pretoria.  Everything has gone well, and she's back with […]

We’re sorry to keep you waiting. Your visit is important to us.

How many times have you been sitting on hold and heard some variation of that?  How many times did it make you feel better?  I've posted before on my appointment schedule getting way behind.  Today was another one of those days when the list we started with became irrelevant to what was actually going on. […]